
Foam (Water Bubbles) = Water + Concentrate + Air + Agitation.

Previous sie pages have discussed the Water, the Concentrates at length, and how to make appropriate (porportioned) solution.

In this section, read on to bring it all together and make the BUBBLES (Water) to absorb heat or protect fuels.


Making Foam

As small as 1 Bubble at a time to making millions of Bubbles with a Fire Engine, making Foam is simple. Think about the child playing with a bottle of bubbles. The bottle contains W + Conc (Solution). The ring sets up a film of the Solution and forms the size of the Bubble and …


What is the difference? Both use the same formula – W + Conc + A + A = Foam (Bubbles) The difference is in the air make up. NAF uses low energy air at atmospheric pressure that is mixed in with the solution (W + Conc) at the nozzle and is also agitated at the …

Reasons for Foam Use

Let’s start off with understanding why a department should want to use Class & Foam and CAF. SAFETY – Using foam drastically reduces the heat of the fire, reducing the time of firefighters’ exposure to heat, toxic gases and carcinogenic substances. The proper use of CAF also reduces the heat so fast without disrupting the …

Drain Time – How Long Will Bubbles Last?

Simple answer: It varies. It’s actually a 2 part question – How long do the bubbles last and how long does the moisture last? The visible bubble is water that has yet to be absorbed by the heat or the protected fuel. Basically, it is water in reserve, holding in place. Drain time is the …