
We’ve talked about water and concentrates. Now let’s talk about mixing the two.

Two liquids combined is called a solution.

How much we mix of each (water + concentrate) gives us the % Solution.

Proportioning can me manual or by machine.

This section outlines all the proprotioning related topics. “Read on”!!!!

% Solution

% Solution is simply the mix of Water and Concentrate (W + Conc). A .3% (3/10ths of 1 %) solution is 1/3 gallon of concentrate mixed with 100 gallons of water. A .5% (5/10ths of 1%) Solution is 1/2 gallon of concentrate mixed with 100 gallons of water. Class A Foam is always used between …

Batch Mixing

W + Conc +A + A = Foam (Foam is Bubbles and Bubbles is Water) Batch mixing is a simple method for making Solution (W + Conc) without a machine, but as you read on, you’ll find there are considerations. Batch mixing – The simplest method to make Solution (W + Conc). Just pour the …


Calibration is basically adjusting the foam concentrate proportioner to insure it understands what water is flowing and how much foam concentrate is being pumped. An automatic electronic direct injection proportioner with a digital control head has its electronics stored inside the unit (either inside the pump mounted control head or in a control box mounted …

Concentrate Proportioners/Devices

There are several types and brands of proportioning systems on the market. It is beyond the scope of this web site to address the specific details of each system. Sufficient to say for NAF & CAF, the system must deliver the proper amount of the foam concentrate that must be mixed with water at the …

Proportioner Exercise

The process of exercising the proportioner pump will vary by model/manufacturer, and the process described here is for the automatic, direct inject type systems. Get a clean bucket and place it under the proportioner pump. Switch the pump outlet valve from “Inject” to “Bypass”. Make sure the Bypass outlet tube will direct the concentrate into …

Proportioner In/Out Valve Options

Stuck Proportioner Pump

On occasion, a foam concentrate proportioning pump can become stuck – the system powers on but won’t pump concentrate. Why? This often happens when the system is not operated or exercised regularly. It might be broken or it might be stuck. Before tearing it apart (costly), 1st see if it is stuck (not costly). Foam …