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NAF Nozzles – Homemade

Since making FOAM is not rocket science, neither is making FOAM nozzles.
A few tips to remember:

  • It is helpful to have a shut off at the nozzle
  • The larger the diameter, the higher the expansion
  • Insure that there is a venturi to pull in the air
  • Insure that you have some means of agitation. 


Here is an article produced by the BLM on how to make a Mid-X nozzle. It covers all the basics. Note that the final paragraph encourages experimenting – “Play With It & See!!!”  

Below are some examples of homemade nozzles. 

Light Weight – TP 3 Roll Holder – 1″ Nozzle – Mid-X
3/4″ PVC – Low-X
5 gal bucket – 1-1/2″ Nozzle, Mesh Bag – Hi-X
Water Bottle – Garden Hose Nozzle – Low-X
Water Jug Nozzle
Water Jug Nozzle
Extinguisher Aspirating Nozzle

Feel free to send in photos and experiences with your homemade nozzles. Contact us in the right column to get the upload instructions.