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Protein Foam

Protein foams are made of animal fats and animal byproducts and were designed solely for Class B hydrocarbon fuels.

Protein foam was the first mass produced product very popular from the early party of the 20th century until it was replaced by AFFF in the early 1970’s.

Protein foam was very sturdy, carbon shedding (phobic) and made a good flammable vapor sealing product film but it was a little weak on the bubble blanket production.

One drawback was it’s corrosivity, expecially since it was stored in tin buckets/cans (prior to the development of the plasket buckets) and it would eventually eat through the can and leak.

Another drawback was its smell. Not pleasant at all.

The reason we discuss protein foam here is that due to the changes in the banning of flouro compound products, protein based foams may make a comeback.

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