The compressor warm up check is a part of the CAF System Apparatus Check.
How often should the compressor be run – check with the manufacturers instructions, but never less frequent than once per week.
To run the compressor warmup check, start the CAF system as if preparing to fight fire – run the pump but re-circulate the water flow. Run the compressor in Auto/Run on the auto sync switch. Do NOT push the “RED” button – keep the proportioner off for this warmup. Keep the water/solution valve closed – do not flow any liquid.
Open an air outlet valve:
- Either use an “OPEN BUTT” hose line (make sure the hose is disconnected or the hose will charge and blow up in the hose bed – not a good thing – NOTE – The open butt outlet needs a restriction – after disconnecting the hose, attach a nozzle and gate it down. This is to avoid loss of oil.)
- or use the preferred auxiliary air outlet, if available.
Once air is flowing, adjust the throttle to any desired pressure 50 psi or above, and let the air flow until the outlet air feels warm and the hydraulic oil temperature gauge reads in the normal operating range. In order for the temperature gauge to register, all the hydraulic oil must pass through the compressor – this warmup generally takes around 5 minutes.
Once the outlet air feels warm and the gauge registers normal operating temperature, the warmup check is complete – throttle down, close the air outlet valve, turn the auto sync switch to unload and then shut down the compressor and pump as normal.
Note the 2 for 1 deal – the water pump also received simultaneous exercise.