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Ground Cover Protection

This topic is mostly referring to grass cover surrounding a structure or other improvement (man made object) or resource (woods or forest). There are two scenerios where ground cover requires foam protection:

  • 1 – A wildland fire heading towards a structure.
  • 2 – A stand alone structure fire setting grass on fire that could rapidly turn into a wildland type fire and threaten other resources.

There are four ways to provide the protection:

  • Water – since water doesn’t cling to the carbon fuels (grass) it will mostly be wetting the dirt and will require high volumes of water and high man power time wise.
  • Solution – Solution will somewhat cling to the grass. However, the weight of the drops combined with gravity will result in a lot of wasted liquid. Due to the high volume application needed to cover the area, this will require high volumes of water and a high manpower effort.
  • NAF – Bubbles (water) will cling to the fuel. The low energy stream (4-10 feet average) will take some time (manpower) to cover the area. The water volume needed will depend on the expansion chosen and may result in a thicker blanket than is necessary.
  • CAF – The high energy bubbles (water) with a 60′ stream will cover the needed area the fastest with less manpower effort using light weight hose (full of bubbles, not liquid) resulting in the tiny strong bubbles clinging to the grass with little to no wasted water. A very quick and efficient method of application.

Prior to the next house fire or wildland fire season – “Play With It & See!!!”