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Site Disclaimer cannot monitor a firefighter’s or department’s actions nor check on the conditions of the CAF system apparatus or related equipment used by the operator, nor can see or evaluate the actual foam results being produced. This web site provides knowledge based information to promote the use of Class A Foam and Compressed Air Foam for firefighter safety and rapid fire extinguishment. The operators take full responsibility for the outcome of their actions.

Basically, here’s a lot of info, but we can’t control how you use it!!!

This site can only share the knowledge of long term Compressed Air Foam users and instructors along with any additional knowledge shared by readers experiences using CAF. Since the site does not include hands on training and an instructor’s 1st hand observation of the readers actions, cannot guarantee the success of a departments CAF program or actual use of CAF, and can not be liable for injury/damage that may occur from the readers use of the knowledge presented.

The knowledge presented on this site is based on years of use and includes best practices available in the use of Class A Foam & CAF.

In exchange for the free sharing of Class A Foam and Compressed Air Foam information, the user must acknowledge their responsibility for any actions taken based on the information provided here.