The domain name is registered to LongBear, LLC of Mt. Lemmon, AZ.
LongBear (a small web building company) is owned by a now retired structure/wildland firefighter/chief with 48 years experience, including over 27 years using and teaching CAF. is built by committee (over a 125 combined years of Class A Foam & CAF experience) – nothing goes on the web site or into the videos until it is scrutinized by a minimum of 4 committee members.
The volunteer committee members include experienced CAF Instructors/Users, CAF System Designer/Builders, and occassionally other experienced CAF users.
Any one can ask questions or make suggestions or clarifications for the site via the “ASK” page.
The goal of this web site is the promotion through education in the use of Class A Foam and Compressed Air Foam (CAF) for the increased safety of firefighters and the reduction of property losses from fire.
This site only promotes the use of Class A Foam and Compressed Air Foam (CAF) and neither promotes nor endorses any specific product, concentrate (other than Class A), system or brand. Occassionally a product logo might appear in a photo – this is coincidental to the subject of the photo and does not constitute an endorsement of the product or brand.
That said, will accept Class A Foam and Compressed Air Foam related financial support in exchange for the display of a company logo and listing as a sponsor.